latest Aquarium update Sin_ty10

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Mensaje por nikisharma 21/03/14, 02:26 am

latest Aquarium update:-

Suggest the latest updates from Victor Zakharov. Week worked ideal failures noticed.
Updated (Aquarium.exe, CA70DB.DLL, AquariumTreeUtils.exe)

Name: Aquarium build x32.7z
725 Size: 11.73 MB
Link to download: http://rusfolder.com/40124234
Name: Aquarium build x64.7z
725 Size: 13.10 MB
Link to download: http://rusfolder.com/40124269

More updated Book Adapter

Name: BookAdapter x32.7z
Size: 1.07 MB
Link to download: http://rusfolder.com/40124344
Name: BookAdapter x64.7z
Size: 1.22 MB
Link to download: http://rusfolder.com/40124352

If there are any failures, then give out - will pass to fix.

Mensajes Mensajes : 2114
Reputación Reputación : 110

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